Striped Stretchie
Striped Stretchie
Striped Stretchie

Striped Stretchie


Vestibulum sit amet accumsan nulla. Proin elementum felis vel sem lobortis, in consectetur nulla fringilla. Nunc nibh ligula, malesuada ac convallis et, commodo vitae risus. Pellentesque malesuada massa mollis dignissim tincidunt.

رمز المنتج: MWONVKWVW التصنيفات: , الوسم:

A great essential for naptime or nighttime!
Made of 100% cotton in a rib knit
Note: for child’s safety, garment should fit snugly. This garment is not flame resistant. Loose fitting garment is more likely to catch fire.
Note: Web only. Can only be returned by mail.

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